Barton County - Lamar Resource Center

Joplin, MO
Contact Information

601 Commercial
Joplin, MO - 64802

(417) 629-3050 Click to call There are no comments. Be the first to leave one below. Go To Website Go to Facebook
About Barton County - Lamar Resource Center

Barton County - Lamar Resource Center is a local county social services office. This office can provide single mothers with assistance if you need child care subsidies and assistance. The Missouri Child Care Assistance program provides assistance with payment for child care on a sliding fee basis for eligible parents/guardians. The purpose of the Child Care Assistance program is to enable families to gain employment and remain employed. If you need child care because you have a child under age thirteen, or age thirteen or older with a special need and: - are working; - attend school; - are in job training; - are disabled; - are being evaluated for training and/or employment; - have a child with special needs and/or; - are receiving child welfare services from the Department of Social Services (DSS), Children's Division (CD). Please call for applications, details and assistance. Other services provided are state emergency financial assistance, SNAP food stamps, energy assistance.

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